Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"Permaculture" - "Food Forests", "Sustainability", "Organics"

So today I'm back with a subject that is extremely interesting, and I think that it can revolutionize and preserve of our earth. It is a beginning, but with the 'Chemtrails' (another article soon) we are never 100% safe from a poor harvest! L

What are you talking about?! ... Permaculture friends, Permaculture ...

Permaculture is a design, a science of cultures, living spaces, and human agricultural systems using ecological principles and knowledge of traditional societies to reproduce the diversity, stability and resilience of natural ecosystems. The term 'Permaculture' is a compounded word derived from the phrase "permanent agriculture" or "permanent agriculture." The term "Permaculture" has meanwhile been used for the first time by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, in their book "Permaculture One" published in 1978.

In the mid 1970s, Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren started to develop ideas that they hoped could be used to create stable agricultural systems. In early 1980’s, the concept had evolved, and the design of agricultural systems was moving towards a design process much more holistic and sustainable due to the development of human societies. During the mid-1980s, a large number of students were transformed into seasoned practitioners and began to teach the techniques they had learned. Rapidly groups, projects, associations and institutes Permaculture settled in over a hundred countries.

In 1991, a four-part documentary for ABC production called 'The Global Gardener "showed Permaculture applied to the different situations throughout the world, bringing the concept to the attention of a wider audience. The English teacher Patrick Whitefield Permaculture suggests that there are two movements of Permaculture:
Original Permaculture and Design Permaculture:

• The original Permaculture (permanent agriculture) is the careful design and management of productive agricultural systems that have the characteristics of diversity, stability and resilience of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of man in his environment so he can remove what is necessary, food, energy, housing, or basically anything they need equipment or not to live sustainably.
• Permaculture design considers the functional connections within an ecosystem service and its operation, and derives the principles of energy efficiency applicable to all kinds of human systems (transport, society, agriculture ...). Through careful observation of natural energy flows and their patterns, design effective systems can be developed. This is now known as Natural Systems Design.

That natural ecosystems are supposedly more productive than human production systems, Permaculture aims to use models of natural ecosystems and to get as close as possible. One of the basic models is the forest consisting of seven layers:

1. canopy
2. intermediate layer trees (dwarf fruit)
3. shrubs
4. annual grasses
5. cover crops
6. rhizosphere
7. the vertical strata (lianas, vines)
8. the mycosphere

Productive efficiency assumed forest systems leads some practitioners of Permaculture to rebuild forests by introducing plants. We talk about forest garden and also agro forestry. This ancient practice is particularly adapted to the tropics and is implemented by many farmers around the world.

"Permaculture is a science and an art of the development of a territory. It can be implemented everywhere, both at the level of an apartment in a city, a garden and even a farm, it is accessible to all. It is an art which aims to develop human ecosystems, ethical, sustainable and robust, which integrate harmoniously with nature "
 (From the book written by Steve Read will soon be published by Actes Sud)

"The Permaculture deals with a sustainable rural and urban areas, the preservation and extension of natural systems. It addresses the factors necessary for designing ecosystems "food" in different climates around the world. "(MOLLISON)

Permaculture is the conscious design of landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, seeking an abundant production of food and energy to meet local needs. People, their habitat and how they organize themselves are central to Permaculture. Permaculture philosophy is to work with nature and not against it. It follows a basic ethical principles and provides that enable seamless integration of human activities on ecosystems.

Permaculture is based on ethics. This is a set of core values ​​that govern thought and action.

The Ethics of Permaculture can be summarized as follows:

• Caring for Nature (soils, forests and water)
• Caring for the Human (self, community and future generations)
• Share equally (limit consumption redistribute surplus)

Its never too late to start!

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